High Profile people that have Visited Niagara Falls

High Profile people that have Visited Niagara Falls

There’s an impressive list of V.I.P’s that have visited Niagara Falls over the years. Here’s a partial list of some of these famous people found in my book, “Niagara, Facts Figures and the Famous” and other sources. I’m sure I’ve missed a number of them. I’ve listed them as I found them so they are not necessarily from earlier years to present. It would be great if you could add to the list.

-The Duke of Kent, father of Queen Victoria, 1791.

-Queen Elizabeth and her sister, Princess Margaret.

-U.S. Presidents James Monroe and John Quincy Adams, 1817 and 1843.

-Prince George of England 1884. Later he became King George V of Great Britain.

-writer Oscar Wilde, 1882.

-Thomas Edison, 1885.

-Abraham Lincoln 1857. He later became U.S. President in 1861.

-Helen Keller, 1893.

-U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt 1900.

-American writer Mark Twain, 1900.

-Prince of Wales of Great Britain,1919.

-Princess Diana and her sons William and Harry, Oct. 1991

-Marilyn Monroe, Joseph Cotten, Jean Peters June 1952.

-Queen Elizabeth and King George, 1939.

-Hollywood actor Jimmy Stewart, 1940.

-Winston Churchill, 1943.

-Shirley Temple, 1944.

-Jack Benny, 1960’s.

-U.S. Presidents John Kennedy and Richard Nixon, 1960.

-U.S. President, Gerald Ford, 1970.

-Ginger Rogers, 1974.

-Elvis Presley, 1975.

-Ontario Premier William Davis, 1979.

-Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau, 1971, 1973. and 1980.

-Actors Christopher Reeve (superman) and Margot Kidder, 1979.

-U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn, 1980.

 Stay tuned I’ll list more in an upcoming blog.