Words Worth Repeating
“In these days of rapid travelling, when the most trifling delay is deemed a calamity, a few brief directions are necessary to save time and view the various points of interest to the advantage. At the same time we cannot help deprecating the practise so prevalent at the present day, of making our excursions for pleasure, mere races against time. No person should come to Niagara for the first time, and leave the same day it is impossible for any person to conceive or realize its grandeur or beauty in such a visit-or even endure the bodily fatigue of simply climbing up and down the various stair-cases, hills, rocks etc. much less can the mind appreciate the various objects of interest which necessarily present themselves in such quick succession, when endeavoring to see the whole of Niagara in one day.”
Opening words of Steele’s Book of Niagara Falls published in 1846.
These words could almost be repeated in today’s Niagara Falls guidebooks.